Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology/Human Development - University of Albany

Job Description:

The School of Education at the University at Albany, State University of New York, invites applications for a tenure track, assistant rank faculty member in Educational Psychology/Human Development in the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, Division of Educational Psychology and Methodology.  The successful applicant will have an active and rigorous research agenda with strong potential for funding, and the ability to collaborate with students and other faculty in research. Area of expertise for this position is open to applicants whose research intersects Educational Psychology, Human Development (e.g. learning and development), and/or Teacher Education.

Teaching responsibilities will include undergraduate and graduate courses in one or more of the following areas:  educational psychology, learning, cognition, and language; curriculum/instruction; child, adolescent and lifespan development; statistics and research methods. Mentoring and supervising students completing independent studies and dissertation research is an important component of teaching. Research mentoring and supervision, together with four courses per academic year, is the expected load.  The applicant should be proficient in research methods.

The appointment will be in the Division of Educational Psychology and Methodology, in the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology. The Department is multidisciplinary and devoted to research, teaching, and service in the use of psychological principles to promote lifelong growth, learning, and development in multiple life roles and contexts. The Division has a strong undergraduate program in Human Development and Teacher Preparation, as well as established graduate programs in Educational Psychology and Methodology.

For more information click here.

Evelyn Rodarte