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Fifty ways to leave …… your racism
By Nimisha Patel & Harshad Keval
This work provides an outline of "our collective responsibility and moral imperative to ask questions, to strip Whiteness and take apart the apparatus of racism, again and again and again. This responsibility however lies not with any one group or person, for the weight of racialisation is too heavy to bear by single groups or individuals. It requires societal effort, and collective, transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary and disciplinary efforts and individual effort. Racism mars and hurts us all. As Fanon (1958) remarked, the liberation aimed for is the liberation of all people, a transformation so that humans could, by escaping racism, become more."
Includes a list of 50 tasks you can implement to leave your racism
Citation: Patel, N., & Keval, H. (2018). Fifty ways to leave…… your racism. Journal of Critical Psychology Counselling and Psychotherapy, 18(2), 61-79.