Robert A. Oden, Jr. Postdoctoral Fellowship at Carleton College
The Department of Educational Studies at Carleton College invites applications for the Robert A. Oden, Jr. Postdoctoral Fellowship for Innovation in the Liberal Arts, a two-year position to begin September 1, 2025. The candidate must have their doctorate in hand (received less than five years ago) by the start date of the position. The position involves teaching two courses the first year, three courses the second year, and time and resources to pursue their own scholarship.
This position will entail teaching two of the department’s core courses (1. Introduction to Educational Studies and 2. Educational Psychology), as well as an additional course that focuses on Learning, Cognition, and Development. We seek candidates with expertise in the learning sciences (possible fields include psychology, cognitive science, computer science, etc.). We are particularly interested in these areas of focus: STEM fields (as a site of analysis or application in terms of research); international and comparative education; educational technology/critical technology studies; elementary education; and/or neurodiverse learners. We strongly encourage candidates with teaching and/or research experiences in preK-12 schools to apply.
The successful candidate will be an equity-minded individual committed to mentoring students from a broad range of socioeconomic backgrounds, genders, orientations, abilities, and cultural heritages. We seek applicants who understand the benefits of a diverse student body and who are committed to providing a respectful learning environment for all students. We are especially interested in candidates who have a record of and/or an investment in building reciprocal relationships with local schools and other educational institutions.
For more information, see here: