RISE Postdoctoral Training Program

The RISE Postdoctoral Training Program seeks applicants who want (a) to push the frontiers of inclusive mathematics education and (b) to achieve sustained impacts by ensuring greater participation in STEM by learners from diverse groups. The program is led by a core team of established researchers who lead a wide range of funded projects. Fellows will have opportunities to engage in ongoing projects and to develop new projects with members of the team.

The positions are 2-year, full-time, benefits-eligible and pay $70,000 per year. Annually, each position will also include $2,500 in flexible research funds and support for travel to two research conferences. Please navigate to the project webpage for more information about the position and how to apply.

Fellows will be selected based on the quality of their prior research, their desire to engage with RISE principles, and their demonstrated commitments to issues of increasing diversity and access in STEM via mathematics education, cognition, and learning, broadly defined. The NSF requires that candidates be U.S. citizens or legally admitted permanent resident aliens of the United States.

Application review will begin January 15, 2025 and will continue on a rolling basis thereafter until all positions are filled.

Tori Pena